Luke and Acts: To the Lovers of God
October 1, 2014
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“But if you will listen, I say to you, love your enemies and do something wonderful for them in return for their hatred. When someone curses you, bless that person in return.”
Luke 6:27-2
“Stretch out your hand of power through us to heal, and to move in signs and wonders by the name of your holy Son, Jesus!”
Acts 4:30
The book of Luke is a glorious gospel penned by one of Jesus’ early followers. It has been described as the loveliest book ever written giving us a vivid picture of Jesus’ life and ministry. Luke was extremely diligent in all he wrote, ensuring that what we read is factual and accurate.
The gospel of Luke is the most compassionate, love-filled account of Jesus’ life! Luke provides us with rich details of Jesus’ love of children, the forsaken, and ministry to women even though this was controversial in his day. Luke shares Jesus’ teachings on prayer, forgiveness, and our obligation to demonstrate mercy and grace when dealing with others. The book of Luke is still read today by the lovers of God because it is the “mercy gospel,” and everyone needs mercy.
The Book of Acts, also written by Luke, continues telling the story where the book of Luke leaves off. It provides us with the startling details of the birth of the church and the early years of the expansion of the kingdom of God on earth. It begins in the upper room with 120 disciples and explains the explosive outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Acts provides us with the story of Paul’s three missionary journeys, illustrating the spread of the gospel, addition of new believers, miraculous answers to prayer, and powerful signs and wonders. Removing the supernatural activity of God from the book of Acts is futile.
Through The Passion Translation of this inspired account of church history, your soul will be awakened with transforming power as you encounter God’s heart, giving you courage to be a witness for Christ wherever he sends you!
Product Details
240 Pages
6" x 0.6" x 8"