What If You Believed You Were Highly Favored?
“Rejoice, beloved young woman, for the Lord is with you and you are anointed with great favor.”
Luke 1:28 TPT
Mary didn’t see it coming. She was an ordinary girl in an ordinary town when the angel Gabriel interrupted her life with extraordinary news: she was highly favored. Mary, young and innocent, had no qualifications to earn such a greeting. And yet, she was fascinatingly chosen, loved, and set apart.
As a widow, I have wrestled with this concept of being “highly favored.” After my husband died, it felt impossible to see myself as anything other than a young mother who was lost, vulnerable, and stunned at my new life. Seventeen years later, I’m not that girl but assimilating those words can still bring pause. I certainly don’t feel worthy or equipped for the callings placed on my life and Mary didn’t either. In Luke 1:29, it says:
“Mary was deeply troubled over the words of the angel and bewildered over what this may mean for her.”
Luke 1:29 TPT
Sound familiar? How often do we hear God’s promises and feel the same confusion?
Eleven years ago, I sat in a room of strangers and a woman (albeit not Gabriel) but her words felt as important for my future. It was definitely a Mary moment. I didn’t know the woman praying for me and she knew nothing of my story. She said two distinct phrases, ‘your life has been hard’ and ‘you will declare the goodness of God before the nations.’ I knew it was true. At the time, I didn’t know Mary’s response in scripture would be a guide for me. As crazy as it sounded, Mary chose to believe him. She didn’t have all the answers, and she couldn’t understand the full plan, but she trusted in God’s favor over her life. What if you believed the same about God’s words to you?
The Truth About Favor
Here’s the truth: you ARE highly favored, not because of what you’ve done but because of who you are. God sees you as his masterpiece, his beloved child. The Bible declares in 1 John 4:17:
“By living in God, love has been brought to its full expression in us so that we may fearlessly face the day of judgment, because all that Jesus now is, so are we in this world.”
1 John 4:17 TPT
As Jesus is, so are you. Isn’t that news mind blowing!? Favor isn’t about life being easy or perfect. My life and, I would guess yours too, has been EXTREMELY hard. I’ve lost two husbands, my third husband struggled with depression, my daughter almost lost her life to an eating disorder…life has been really messy. Mary’s favor led her through incredible challenges—being misunderstood, giving birth in a stable, widowhood, and ultimately watching her Son suffer and die on a Roman cross. Favor doesn’t remove hardships, but it assures us of God’s presence and his power working through every moment.
Speaking Favor Over Your Life
Proverbs 18:21 reminds us,
“Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and the talkative person will reap the consequences.”
Proverbs 18:21 TPT
There is power in what you speak over your life. When I was in the deepest moments of grief, I caught myself saying things like, “I can’t do this,” or “I’ll never get through this.” Although those words FELT true, they were not true. Those words only magnified the pain in my body. But what if you started declaring even in the pain and grief, “I am highly favored”? It’s not crazy, it’s actually proven that your words hold power to change your life. Even if it feels hard to believe it, say it anyway. Let it sink into your spirit. Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher, demonstrated the incredible impact of words on water molecules. Positive words create beauty and harmony, while contractions like ‘I can’t’ and negative words bring chaos. Now imagine the power of speaking God’s truth over yourself even in the hard—you are speaking life and beauty into your heart and mind.
God’s Power in You
Just as Gabriel told Mary:
“The Spirit of Holiness will fall upon you and almighty God will spread his shadow of power over you in a cloud of glory…”
Luke 1:35 TPT
The same is true for you. The power of the Most High is upon you, not because of what you’ve accomplished but because you are his beloved child. Your birthright is FAVOR and your words declare that to the nations. When life feels overwhelming, remember that favor is not something you earn. It’s a gift freely given by God. Favor empowers you to rise from grief, face each day, and trust that God is writing a beautiful story for your life.
Prayer: Jesus, thank you for calling me highly favored, even when I don’t feel it. Help me to trust your promises and walk in the truth of who you say I am. I believe that your favor is not dependent on my circumstances but on your love for me. Strengthen me to rise each day, to trust you in the mundane, and to declare life over myself. Thank you for being with me, for healing me, and holding me. I am your masterpiece, and I choose to rest in your love today.
In your precious name, Amen.
You are not alone. You are loved beyond measure. And you are highly favored. Believe it. Speak it. Live it.
Widow’s Might is a 365-day devotional offering powerful stories of women who have walked the path of widowhood and found solace, strength, and peace along the way. Each day provides
- comforting Bible verses and teachings to grow your confidence in God’s goodness,
- encouraging messages to support you on your hardest days, and
- uplifting prayers to renew your hope and grow closer to God.
Join a community of widows whose wisdom will guide you on your healing journey, helping you surrender to Jesus and find refuge in his arms. Watch as God transforms your suffering into joy. Click here to learn more.